How SpeedLoc Works
The patented SpeedLocTM System is comprised of three parts – a receiver, a locator and a precision ground liner. The hardened 4340 locator body houses a grade 10+ HoloChrome cap screw allowing it to “ float” while being contained in the locator.
Receivers are installed in a permanently affixed sub plate, tooling column, or even directly into the machine table or pallet. Any convenient receiver array can be used and should be designed to consider machine size, fixturing needs and other machines that will be using the quick change system.
Two liners are installed in each fixture plate.To use the system, locators are inserted through the liners of the fixture plate. The floating cap screw engages the receiver and pulls the fixture plate securely and accurately against the subplate, tooling column or machine table. Two locators are required for location but normally at least four are used for each fixture plate (the remaining two for hold down only).
Since the receiver ID and OD, locator OD and liner ID are all held to very close tolerances +/-.0002”, the system repeatability is typically better than .0004” (depending on exact location of the receivers relative to the liners).
To change fixture plates just reverse the process. The unique floating cap screw design is the only system on the market that self-extracts, allowing the locating/fastening device to be easily removed.
When properly positioned and locked, SpeedLoc fasteners possess a clamping strength in excess of 45,000 lbs. This extremely high strength makes SpeedLoc secured indexers and other process devices capable of direct connectivity to hydraulic actuators and other systems.